WHAT IS ASTROLOGY ? ( and what is not.....) wpe6.jpg (2153 bytes)


Astrology is an Art, which believes that all of us have a FREE WILL. Horoscope is calculated to tell us WHAT we HAVE and WHEN and HOW we can use it for our benefit. Astrology is very often mistaken for fortune telling, and this is far from the truth.

When Astrologer look at the Chart, she/he is looking for potential that is given to a person, and how it can be used, depending on position of the planets in the Horoscope and how they relate one to another.

Going to see Astrologer is like going to see your Bank Manager (might not be as scary though!). As Bank Manager will tell you what you have, where and when would be best to invest it, Astrologer will do the same with your personal potential.

As bank Manager can give advice, it is up to a person what they are going to do with their assets after they walk out of the Bank, this is also up to a person when it come to his/her personal assets. You have a free will, but armed with an extra information, and little help from our celestial friends, can make big difference at times.

Also, once we have children, they can not tell us what they are like. Astrologer can! Horoscope is calculated for hour, place and date of birth, and will not change (Natal horoscope) trough out the life. Even if you are sixty-year-old, Astrologer is still "reading" horoscope of a baby, which was born sixty years ago, on your birth date. So, it is sixty-year-old person’s past, present and future all in one. But it is only a future of a baby born on that date. So, Astrologer can explain potential personality traits of a baby, soon after its birth. I have done charts the same day for both of my nieces. My sister still regrets not taking my advice to start saving money, as soon as one of the girls was born. Now she lives to prove that one little Leo can spend more money on clothes at ten years of age, then most Virgo’s in a lifetime (no offence you Virgo’s out there, its only show that you actually know what you want!).  

This is same with any of our relationships. It is all very nice once our hearts start to beat faster for each other, but we still have to stay together for years to come. And this is more often the case of UNDERSTANDING each other, and how we influence one another. This is something that Astrologer can point out quite quickly. And this is not just for our romantic relationships, but also business, family and parent-child relationship.

Once, we understand ourselves and people around us a bit better, half of the work is done.

I often hear question regarding "bad" things I see. There is no such a thing as "bad" and "good" in Astrology. I remember once looking at the "very good chart", and wondering how hard life must be for this poor man whose horoscope is so "good", he has no character as everything is served on a plate for him. Later, when I met him, he was totally oblivious to his wife’s plea for some help, as he thought everyone should serve him all the time. He was also very unhappy as he did not understand his wife’s (and all the rest of the mortals!) behaviour. He felt unloved and badly treated. Took a few months until things started to get better.

So what is a "good" horoscope? Well, most of them. As long as we have balance of "easy" and "hard" within the chart, we are doing well. It is richness and variety of ingredients that makes a "good" horoscope. It is ups and downs of life that make it exciting! This is what Astrology is all about.

Astrology will not tell you what to do, but will present your potential in its full glory for you to make best for yourself.

This is WHY we want to know…

Good luck!

Billie Biljana Krstovic


First Published on www.astrology.com 

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