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Time is twenty-first Century. You are sitting in front of your PC and wondering where have the good old times of mammoth hunting gone? It must have been so easy and simple. You get up with a crack of dawn, grab your beloved female by the hair, drag her to some dark corner and give her some merciless loving. Then, you put your axe over your shoulder and set of to hunt the mammoth, while she stays at home to do some berry picking and manicure her nails while watching the fire. What a great life! But, it is all over now…

Maybe, you can go to a basketball match, or down the gym with the rest of the "searching" males out there, or go out and get legless while drinking with your best buddy, but somehow, something is still missing. The hunt!

Twenty-first Century is just not the time for men! It is not dangerous enough, not bloody enough and not exciting enough! There is no more heroes, no more macho mighty dominance, World has lost its male power! Wars are waged on television and your only connection is your latest state of the art all-in-one-remote control! Today’s warriors wear glasses and write non-understandable computer codes! Macho-man is dead! Do you agree? Maybe not…

Lets shrug off this classic male stereotype and have a look at the possible truth. For this, we have to go back to our cave man and go inside of his mind.

Cave man had to, first and foremost, to defend his life from anything-bigger then himself. Everything out there was out to get him! To make things worse, guy in a cave-next-door, might have had the bigger axe and he might be the one who tomorrow grabs his woman by the hair and drag her off to his dark corner! Also, he needed to communicate with things he did not understand. Storms, lightening and Sky above had its secrets and he invented form of magic to tame it and predict its behaviour. He invented dance and music and he drew paintings with powerful symbols. After all that, he had to provide for his family in order to survive and reproduce. These were his primary roles: to protect, influence, compete, provide and reproduce. For all this, he had to develop all sorts of different skills, he had to fight, think, create tools, develop hunting strategies and be a lover. Mostly, he had the power to do it. We are the proof that he has succeeded.

So, what is it for today’s male to do? No mammoths, no fires and no dragging females by the hair! Has today man lost it? Definitely not!

What has happened to today’s male is that he has lost the touch with his inner cave man, and has to somehow regain this connection. World is still the same place, with all his dangers. There is still space for heroes and warriors. It is just a matter of finding which one of the many you are.

Through out the History there are many Myths that tell tales of Gods and warriors, from wondrous Odyssey to regal Zeus, from warlord Mars to drunken Baccus. There are a huge variety of male archetypes that our ancestors kindly recorded for us, as the first form of psychological profiling. What they knew and we most commonly don’t, is the fact that these are living male qualities which have to be cherished and worshiped if you like, if they are to breed happy male population. Our ancestral fathers knew of the power of Myth, and they lived it. Their Myths did not live in the books, they lived on the streets, temples and in festivals, when they were carefully invoked in their daily life. They believed if you lose touch with your personal ruling God inside of you, you will lose yourself.

Has this happened to today’s man? Has he lost his individual identity and believes he has to fit to this one-and-only macho man stereotype? Shall we test it?

I will explain few major male archetypes and I am sure you will find yourself in at least two of them. First, you must find out which one archetype is predominant in your own psyche, this will then give you a chance to look after it, so to speak. Easiest way to find out is by paying attention to which one is not only similar to you (just nodding with your head is not good enough), but also makes you feel slightly excited inside while reading about his abilities.

Bacchanalia is the word that is derived from rituals to God Baccus, when during his festival women and men would drink and dance themselves in to an ecstasy. This was followed by ritual sexual intercourse among festive people and it would take days before drinking and celebrating would end.

BACCUS (Dionysius) is a Greek God, which represents specific male archetype. He is the God of wine and all festive things. Today, he lives in males who are Peter Pans of this World. Men of Baccus type are very creative and fun to be with. They have a great sense of humour and are the heart and soul of any party. They are in love with excitement and are very often promiscuous. If you are Baccus man, you will find it very difficult to conform to rules of the society and will forever seek even greater freedom from anything that ties you down. Only problem in here is the fact that you perceive to be tied down even when in reality this is not the case. You like children but you are not prepared to share your boy-man role with anyone else. You might be addicted to gambling and make and lose vast amounts of money on it. You like strong women, and your lovers are your mothers and your partners all in one, even though you will hate to admit it. You like to go off " and play" and you look for a partner who is going to wait for you with open arms once you decide to return home. You don’t like to be questioned and seek people that will unconditionally trust you, despite the fact that you are incredible flirt! You would make a great actor, poet, art director, designer or a night-club owner. Entertainment and pleasure are your domain and your profession will be very successful if it has any connection with giving other people a good time. Negative side of your nature is depressive streak that follows your days of euphoria. To combat this, you could search for more meaningful experiences and face up to you fear of commitment.

If you are the "MERCURY man", you are very intellectual and are now reading this article with a great scepticism. On another hand, you can’t help yourself, as your thirst for information and knowledge is unsaitable! This is exactly why you are a bit of a "Jack of all trades". You are equally good in writing computer codes as in writing books and repairing bad plumbing! Your head is full of encyclopaedia-kind-of-knowledge and you can converse just about anything. You are stimulated through your mind and mostly fond of brunettes as you hate the "dumb blonde" stereotype. This does not imply that your fantasies are not wild and a bit kinky at times. Once you get going, you make an incredible lover. Your only difficulty might be the fact that you can be very shy and need a dominant woman to get you out of your shell. Also, you need a lot of space to satisfy your need for intellectual work. As you have a powerful logical brain, you can do many different jobs as long as they demand analytical thinking and detailed work. This is your power and your downfall! You are so good at finding faults that sometime you lose sight of the grand picture. If you ask yourself about your relationships, you might find that your critical nature has caused, not only feeling of inadequacy in your partners, but also dissatisfaction in your own heart. You strive for ideal that does not exist. If you are to change this, you could try to love other people’s imperfections, as much as theirs good sides. Most beneficial activity for "Mercurians" is relaxation of any kind and with other people if all possible! Individuals like you make a great journalist, scientists, doctors, writers, inventors, teachers or mathematicians.

What is hidden is clear as day! Rest of the readers, please excuse what I have just written. This was communication understood by "UNDERWORLD men", as this part is about them. "Underworldly" men are ruled by tree Gods of outer World: Pluto, Neptune and Uranus. If you are "Underworldly man" you are seeking all secrets to be uncovered. You have an understanding of essence of things and exude power wherever you go. You make other people nervous at times, and you don’t necessarily like this much. You see the world as one big, perfect mystery and you are here to discover and explain how it works. You might be a scientist, and as such you will be drawn to physics. Your ideas come as flashes of realisations and not much as thoughts. You don’t learn things, you just know them. Your other interest might be business as you have thirst for power and influence. Your workings are behind the scenes, therefore you could be an actor. You like this world of illusion as it gives you that sense of control. You have an antenna like mind, and you find it easy to see through people and situations. You are drawn to Natures powerful expressions of which thunderstorm is your favourite. Sex is your only addiction, and you can read your partners desires just by tuning in to it. You like music and all things of Art, and if you are a musician, your music will be hypnotic and mind altering. Death is your daily life, as you don’t make compromises, you die and you reborn in to your new self. This is how you deal with daily living. You are greatly ambitious, and your will power is like a steal. Your only downfall is your inability to share yourself with others. You expect your partner to know without being told. This is stuff of your domain, which is rare. You are likely to seek partner of earthy qualities and they will not necessarily be able to "read you" as you can them. Power struggles is something you should avoid, in your personal life as mush as in your working environment. Also, you are the last real romantic in this competitive male world and as one women find you very attractive.

We are in an ancient Sparta. You can hear sounds of clashing swords and whistle of the flying spears as you walk along long stone corridors, of an ancient military barracks. Just, these are not just barracks, this is all living there is! This is the world of the warrior race and as such, each and every creature that inhabits it, is getting ready for the greatest battles mankind has ever seen. This is the World of a God MARS and his children.

If you are Mars’s son, you are born to compete! You just have to be first, in anything you undertake to do! Winning and competing is your life. Without it you will feel dead already. Your body is born equipped with strong muscles and durable constitution. You are born to fight anything and anyone out there. You are born to win. Mostly, you do! Regardless are we talking about running a marathon or winning that contract for your company. You believe that every creature, regardless of their sex or their age, should be able to live in the world and fight equally. You are not the one to fall in love easily, as you are more orientated towards sex itself, rather then actual loving feeling. Your sex drive is strong, impulsive and out of control at times. You can be accused of being overly aggressive and abrupt in your speech and behaviour. Diplomacy is what you might want to practice a bit more. Physical activity is must in times of stress. Mostly, you are healthy and you don’t see illness as something that happens to people, you find it embarrassing and repulsive. You hate when people (read women) try to help you or care for you, as you see ignoring any sort of weakness as a gesture of politeness. This is exactly why people find it difficult to be with you. They must always be strong and can never complain about anything. Otherwise you will make them feel weak you meant it or not. Problem here is not the fact that you want to be merciless to others, it is the fact you don’t understand that they can not, get up and go regardless of their state of wellbeing, like you can. At times, anything you do is for you and you only. You always want to know what is in for you before you commit yourself to anything. It has to be sex or money, girl or the land, otherwise you walk away in search of some more lucrative war elsewhere. This selfish streak is your major downfall. You have dreams of a great hero who save all and win for all, but often you slip in to this other person inside of yourself, who wins for himself and leave others to save themselves best they can. This inner conflict is the key to your happiness. If you use your great stamina for battling for everyone concern, you will gain your hero status, the one that you crave the most! Winning is not an issue, as this is what you were born to do. It is winning for the greater than yourself that will bring you all the spoils of battle you are wishing for. If you are prepared to share it with others, that is. Man with Mars qualities make a great sportsman, gym instructors, marshal artists, military personell, athletes, business people and anyone who is in business of making money in competitive environment and need to work strategically.

Now, where does this leave any of men out there? Does this mean, you are who you are and can never have what the next man was born with? If this were the case, there would be no pint in reading this article at all. What it means, is that any of these qualities can be induced in any man out there if one knows how. Does this imply that every man needs improvement? Quite opposite! What it does imply is the fact that every man is every of the mentioned types above. He just has one, or more of them predominant in his nature and behaviour.

To understand this, we have to go again and revisit our long forgotten cave-man again!

As I mentioned on the beginning, cave-man had to develop many different skills to survive. He had to be everything from the warrior and scientist to a great lover! This is when he was on his own in his isolated dark cave. Eventually, he joined with other men and formed tribes. This tribal culture has given him the chance to predominantly do what he was most successful in, as there were other men who shared his responsibilities. Instead of hunting on his own, now he had others to help, think, and use strategies, which have now produced team-work with each player equally important. This fact is most important to understanding how, this knowledge about archetypes was used, by our ancestors. What they have realised, is that despite the fact that cave-man eventually stopped using all his abilities at all times, his genes never forgot that he has developed them to begin with.

This gene memory is what lives in every man still today! It is just a matter of recalling it. Yeah, right! Easily said than done! Well, actually it is very simple.

Every day of his life, our man is going to work or whatever he is doing to support himself, then he engages in various social activities. Maybe he goes to the gym, out for a drink, party etc. Then he watches television, he uses the computer, he have sex, food, listen to the music. He does all this. But does he know he is doing it?

Most of the things he does, he sees it as a just another "thing" he is doing. There is no more "living" what he is doing as he can do it any time he wishes. So when he goes to the gym, he might be working out, while really thinking about some cute female butt across the gym room, more then he is actually experiencing his own body.

What our ancestors did is exactly opposite! They invoked their living Gods by exercising any activity, which that God ruled. They would set off to perform something with the firm belief that this will make them remember how to be it, if they give themselves to it. If they wished to connect with Mars before the battle, they would choose heavy exercise regime and really connect with warrior spirit inside of themselves through this activity. They would "become" what they were trying to invoke. It would came alive inside of them! They did not have to think about it, or work on it. They would just be it! (Today, we only see this with crowds on football matches.)

If they wished to invoke BACCUS, they would drink and dance till the ecstasy would make them feel like the Baccus himself! Just by being in the place where Baccus rules but not taking part in his "worship" if you like, will not bring you the sense of joy, same as just watching someone lift weights will not grow your own muscles.

What does this all mean? It means, that man is all he wants to be, he has just forgotten he is. It means, that in practice, you can look at any of the above archetypes and choose to remember any of them within yourself. Just by performing any of their essential activities or connecting with the power they are associated with, you can remember it at will.

What do you think now? Let me guess! Baccuse’s out there never made it to the end, as scary word "commitment" appeared quite early on the beginning, for which they were not quite ready while nursing blasting hangover. They are asleep by now, but they will read it tonight again, when they wake up... After all, that bit about the cute butt was certainly true…

"Mercurians" read all this and are now wandering how are they going to get rid their brains of such nonsense as they have memorised it anyway, as they do with all the things they ever hear. Then again, that bit about the muscles, and yes, the lover…

Sons of "Mars" have few nostalgic (rare occasion!) thoughts about the great times of Sparta. They miss it, even they never lived there! Never mind, there is this great run for the promotion and they got to go now, they don’t want that skinny guy to snatch it in front of their noses!

Men of "Underworld" are wondering what is the big deal, like this is some kind of a secret to anyone? Power? Drawing on power? They knew all this anyway, they do it all the time! Doesn’t everyone?

Finally, next time you look up to some powerful man out there and wish to get what he’s got, remember, you’ve got it already!


Copyright © Biljana Krstovic 2002

Written for US Magazine "Thirst"-hence Americnisms

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