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Twelve children of the Zodiac

Have you ever looked at your two children and wondered how they can be so different coming from the same parents? Have you not brought them up together? Have they not played with the same toys and had same upbringing?

Well, maybe yes, but this still does not mean anything. Children are all different, as we all know, and it is sometime difficult to cope with two or more of them when they are almost opposite to eachother and react differently on the same treatment.

Secret in understanding a child better, could be as simple as looking at his date of birth.

Astrologically, there are twelve different signs and each child will fall in one of these groups. There are simple rules to help us deal with each child of a Zodiac. They are general rules and will give a lot of help and quick results in behavioural management. Equally, they will help you to help your child develop their potentials on a way they find it most suitable for them and one that they find easier to respond to. This, I must repeat, are general guidelines and will apply to a large number of children in each group. To fully understand a child from Astrological point of view, full birth chart would have to be calculated and all options considered.

wpe4.jpg (2270 bytes)ARIES Child is the fighter of the Zodiac. She/he is very competitive and will most likely be jealous of a younger sibling. Aries will need lots of reassurance that she/he is still very important person indeed, despite the new arrival. Knees and heads will be regularly in trouble as falling, running and vigorous activity is what Aries child does best. While appreciating his/hers competitive side parents should make sure that child learns that vinning is not everything in life. Aries are very good in sports and parents can make huge difference here by allowing the child to develop interest early.

TAURUS child is very fond of food and all beautiful things. Very likely, child will have a gift of writing and Arts of any kind. They need help in controlling their tempers, as once Taurus child is angry there is no stopping it. Temper tantrums are often followed by upset stomach. Parents can help with this problem by not allowing a child to eat anything he/she wants. Taurus child thrives on praise and parents will invest wisely in all verbal encouragement.

GEMINI child is a little chatterbox! At times it seems it never stops talking. This is what this child needs the most –communication. Parents will do well if they stock up on various Encyclopaedias and manuals for future reference. Gemini children have to learn to make firm decisions and also to relax. Any physical activity will calm the little Gemini as it will take his/her attention from his busy mental activity. Bananas and all potassium high foods are essential for their fast metabolisms.

CANCER children are very sensitive and emotional. They are very needy of their mothers and can be very moody. Parents will be able to predict these moods if they buy diary with Moon phases in it. After a while they will be able to predict those sleepless nights (most likely while Full Moon) just by looking at their past notes. Cancer children need to learn to be independent and assertive from an early age. Also, they should learn to talk about their feelings.

LEO The King child! Leo children are born performers. Everything they do in life is performance, as far as they are concerned. They don’t seek approval for what they do, they are too much of the individualists for that. What they do seek is applause! They have a basic need to be appreciated and this will play extremely important role in development of their self-esteem. They take all criticism to heart and find it very difficult to cope with it. Clap, dear parents, clap! You will reap the benefits later. This does not mean it is all bed of roses, as this child will put up a good fight before he/she learn that they have to tidy up after themselves, as there is no royal servants to do it for them, not as yet anyway!

VIRGO child is little busy bee. This child loves to work! As good as it sounds it will last. Problem here is the fact that Virgo child does not know when to stop and relax. From an early age Virgo will have t be praised and encouraged in its efforts. Virgo child will not have strong self-esteem if criticised. They are very self-critical as prone to worry too much. They need to be encouraged to make friends and have fun. Also, Virgo children’s diet has to be very healthy, as they tend to develop allergies mostly on chemical, from an early age. Virgo children benefit from having pets, which they love dearly.

LIBRA child is a diplomat of the Zodiac. They are very sensitive and they like all things to be in balance. They don’t cope well with arguments and harsh words. They have to learn to be individuals from an early age. Also, they have to learn to make decisions and stick to them. Libra child is likely to respond to a kind word and reasonable explanation then to any, even slightly, harsh treatment. Their bladders will often tell us about state of their minds.

SCORPIO children are psychologists of the Zodiac. They are very mysterious, sometime even to their own parents. This child is very susceptible to atmosphere in the home and will know if something is wrong. It is better to tell the truth to this child and give positive outlook then to hide any family problems. This child will have to learn to trust and show his/her weaknesses, while knowing that that is fine too. Their constitution is often very strong and they recover fast from any illness no matter how serious it looks to begin with.

SAGITTARIUS child is a bit of a clown! This child loves any sort of adventure and might get in to few troubles at school! Oh well, who didn’t? Parents will do themselves a favour if they find physical outlet for their child. Anything with other people and outside will do. Parties, outings, swimming and travelling are all the things Sagittarius child will thrive on. Meanwhile, some discipline will be no harm either, maybe in the form of tiding up and homework.

CAPRICORN children are the ambition of the Zodiac. Capricorn’s tend to have the most problems with their self-esteem, as they are born with fear of failure. Extreme caution should be undertaken to make sure that every effort is praised and shown to the public (to the grandparents, drawings on the fridge and so on). These children are very ambitious and will need any help they can get, as their goals are usually far higher then they fellow classmates. Capricorn’s bones, teeth and skin is another area parents should pay attention to, as this will reflect child’s health.

AQUARIUS child is the scientist of the Zodiac. This child is very idealistic and will show signs of originality early in life. Aquarius child needs to be understood and accepted for who they are. Sometimes this might not be something that is easy for parents. Reason being that Aquarius child is often strong willed and have ideas, which their parents never heard of. Well, who heard about Relativity theory while Einstein was a kid? This is something that parents should encourage and try to find out as much as possible about what their child is thinking about. And yes, all those: cats, worms, frogs, birds and neighbours kids? Can they stay and live with you too?

PISCES child is the dreamer of the zodiac. They are sensitive and mostly spend time daydreaming and talking to their imaginary friends. This is when they are not dancing, singing or painting. They are very artistic and good-natured. Pisces child will benefit from parents who have understanding for their creative talent. As for parents, your child needs to learn how to "ground" their dreams. They need to learn as many practical skills as possible in order to achieve what they want. Also they need to learn to assert themselves.

There it is, our Zodiac nursery complete!

Copyright © Biljana Krstovic 2002

First published in "Thames Valley family Magazine"

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