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Fortunate Transits

Jupiter and Venus through the Houses of Zodiac

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Looking for some luck? Good transit is what you need! Let’s have a look at some very fortunate transits of Venus and Jupiter.

Venus is relatively fast planet and will make run around Zodiac in one year. This will bring some beneficial changes, which will be more felt in the house, which has Jupiter transiting there in the same time. Jupiter takes twelve years to travel all signs, and will stay in one Zodiac sign for one year. Depending of the size of particular house (which can cover more then one sign) it will stay there longer or shorter; therefore its influence will be felt reciprocally. Important thing to remember here is that influence of any planet will be more felt while approaching the house and on its beginning, then on the last few degrees on its way out. So, for example, if Jupiter is on the end of fifth house (children, creativity, love affairs etc.), by now it should have already worked its influence in that field, while we are starting to feel beneficial influences towards our six house, work, health etc. -should be just starting to improve.

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Venus through the Houses

1st House: Sensory and sensual feelings are awake. We feel drawn to beautiful objects, places and people. This apply to food as well, watch out not to put on weight during this transit, as most of my clients swear everything miraculously taste fabulous during this transit! All the girls out there, this is the best time for new hairstyle, visits to beautician, pamper, indulge!
2nd–Be careful not to overspend on beautiful objects, as now we want to live in and generally be surrounded by luxurious, eye-pleasing sights. Some money might come in unexpectedly.
3rd - Communication with others, especially with siblings, is at its best now. All correspondence should be beneficial. Short trips will bring good contacts. Hang on, on those business cards!
4th - Enjoyable family occasions, good for home decorating, also for contact with women. Take your mum for lunch!
5th - Great love opportunities! You exude loving, sensual wibes, take advantage of it! Creativity very heightened, happiness with young people and children. Good for Schoolteachers.
6th - Forget colds and runny nose, this is time of work opportunities and a good heath. People who work with younger then themselves will find teamwork very beneficial.
7th - Time to make good impressions on other people, job interviews and meetings. Public finds you irresistible so go out and meet people. Good time for advertising your business. All meetings with opposite sex will have good love potential. Very good for actors and public speakers.
8th - Good for talking to your Bank Manager, especially if you need the loan. Sex-drive stronger and love making very sensual.
9th - Good for writers who wish to have their work published! Also, very good in general for all things legal, court cases and spiritual and religious work. Any trip far away will be very enjoyable and beneficial at this time.
10th - Beneficial for carrier matters, also for any Artistic work. Artist, painters, poets and fashion designers will love this transit. All matters of position in society will benefit from this transit.
11th - Have a party! Any social engagement will be of beneficial influence for the next twelve month. Mingle, meet people and make contacts. Become member of that Club now! Whatever you do don’t sit at home!
12th -Any love affair that begins now will potentially turn out to be secret for some reason. Make sure that person in question is single indeed, before you get involved emotionally. Good for all things hidden.


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All transits of Jupiter are triggers for events that will reveal their importance in years to come. All things done now will affect your life in a long term.
1st House- Oh dear! Watch those pounds pile up around the waist! As well as good moods, cheerful times and adventurous spirits! Food, drink, parties? It’s got to be worth it!
2nd – Money, property and all those unpaid debts! It is all happening now! Even the guy who owes you the money, who was last seen in Zanzibar ten years ago, will now turn up on your doorstep, with the big fat cheque and smile on his face! Have fun and take note of my warning for 1st house transit.
3rd- If you wanted to study anything, but kept putting it off, now it is time to do it. Any training will have beneficial consequences for years to come. Travel might be extensive from now on and all family matters will improve. Time for growth.
4th- House selling and buying, real estate, land, property- all without effort. Make sure you don’t over stretch yourself, as you will have to maintain it after this transit has passed.
5th- Good for having babies, pregnancy, children born at this time will bring you lots of happiness. Also, good for any creative endeavour, which will bear fruits immediately. Some wins on Horse racing or Lottery very possible. New love affairs will become happy adventurous relationships. Only problem here is that one can be very promiscuous now and not stick around with one partner.
6th- Work related issues will expand rapidly, long illnesses will considerably improve or vanish for good. Weight gain possible. Extremely good for healers.
7th- New relationships will most likely become long term, existing relationships will improve. Marriage possible, maybe with foreign person. All public engagements will bring results beyond expectations. Good for fame and coming out in to the public eye.
8th- Protection from dangerous forces or ill health. Other people’s money will flow in, from the Banks or individuals. Extremely good for loans.
9th- Spiritual awakening. Teacher figure will come at this time. Travel far away or moving to another country. Good for publishing, Higher education and Court cases. Adventurous spirit and restless feeling.
10th- Carrier at its peak! Everything appears be effortless now. All the hard work will pay off, but it is not time as yet to stop making effort. Take advantage of this transit as it can change course of your life for next twelve years.
11th- Connections in Society will hugely influence your life now. Good for meeting influential people, gaining alliances on high places and forming mutually beneficial partnerships. Did I mention wild partying and self-indulgence? Well, that as well!
12th- Good for Soldiers and Government employees. Also, good for anything to do with Universities and Hospitals. People often come out of prison, hospital or Army after a long time, during this transit. Freedom at last! Karmic good from past lives and ones that watch over us are at work during this transit.

First published in "Prediction Magazine" more articles   1  2  3  4  5 

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