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Where does this knowledge comes from?

There is an old ancient belief, that in every woman there is a Goddess asleep. This Goddess, need to be waken up and just by doing so, we can learn many things about ourselves we were not aware of.

For centuries in an old civilisations, women worshiped different Goddesses depending of an area and culture they came from. Ishtar (Innana), widely worshiped Goddess, had temples in ancient Mesopotamia. In many cultures through out the History, Ishtar’s priestesses, in their Temples, healed, danced and prophesised. Daily, offerings of precious oils, sweet smelling incense, silk, spices and wine, were brought to them, by worshipping men, as offerings to the Goddess. Kings and rulers were initiated in Ishtar’s temples in sacred sexual rites before they could take a throne and rule the land.

So, in a modern world could women have the same power? Or have we lost it? Surely not!

We are the same women as our ancestral mothers. Whichever culture we came from, genes of women who came before us are still brewing in our blood. All we have to do is to remember it! I am not talking about your memory amnesia, what I am talking about is gene amnesia! This one, have to be tackled a bit differently. It has to be "downloaded " if you like, straight from your genetic memory.

All you ladies out there, in front of your lap-tops, behind a wheel of some fasts, stylish car, in the middle of your washing-up or changing dirty nappies, take a break! You will need it if you are about to take control of the wildest most powerful thing you have encountered as yet. Your inner Goddess!

Our ancestral mothers have developed simple system which was most possibly used for psychological profiling and self development.

First they would look at themselves and depending of their talents and personal traits they would decide which one of their Deities is most prominent in their psyche.

Once they have determined their type, they would then choose one or more Deities which were to be "contacted" for the results they wished to achieve in themselves. This would depend on qualities  they wished to develop they believed lacked at the time.

Worshipping for our ancestors was more then just religion. It was set of special procedures which was tailored to bring all possible characteristic of that archetype in to their own minds. It was power of positive concentration.

This procedures have been passed down through generations, and were almost lost to us today.

Below you can find few very general and simple profiling tools which you can use to test it for yourself.

There are so many different Archetypes, more then enough for a huge book. I have chosen few, which will cover most major types, and will be quite enough to be used in any woman’s life. While reading try to compare it to yourself to see which one is prevailing in your own being.

Ishtar (Innana) is a very powerful Archetype, comes from Mesopotamia, whose domain is stuff of raw sexuality, music, war and fertility. If you are "Ishtar’s woman", you are very strong person, with your own views, high sex drive and considerably domineering behaviour. You are passionate about your love, just as you are about your family and your work. Fiercely loyal, you will defend anything/anyone you love by all means. Just as Ishtar descended to Underworld to rescue her lover from God of Death, and stripped herself from all her powers to enter the world of shadows, this is how you may sacrifice things in your life for benefit of others. You will be very fond of jewellery, fine aromas, oils and gourmet food. You will like music and enjoy dancing, which will stimulate your sex drive.

Positive aspect of Ishtar are primal sex drive, zest for life and durability. Negative aspects are overbearing dominance in relationships, aggressive behaviour and sexual frustration. Ishtar is beneficial to "Athena women" when they wish to assert themselves, and change from librarian in to a tigress! Ishtar rules business- women, actresses, and dancers.

Demeter is a Goddess of Harvest and home fires. She is all eternal womb, and her domain is motherhood, home and caring for others. Demeter’s woman is very homely and caring person. She is mother in her essence, and she mothers everyone around her. Her sex drive might perish after childbirth, and she might see sex as duty to her husband more then source of pleasure for herself. Demeter’s woman will often find it hard to say no to demands of others, and will find herself drained and maybe in the middle of identity crisis. Demeter women lose themselves in their duties, and would benefit from some of Ishtar’s qualities when they need to recover from being at service to others. Demeter will help us after period of hard work when we wish to reap fruit of our labour. She is also of help to future mothers who wish to conceive. It is believed that is time when she is most present in our life.

It is believed Demeter rules maternity wards, childminders, housewives and nurses.

Aphrodite, Goddess of all things connected to love, beauty, all sensual experiences from sex to food. If you are Aphrodite’s child, you exude sex. You are one those women who when they walk in to the room, all men’s heads turn! You spend large part of your life plotting your love affairs, and you might be bored with one partner after short period of time. You might be promiscuous and more in love with love then person itself. You like "Peter Pans" of this world, and find yourself in relationships with aggressive or dangerous men. Your strong femininity attracts "macho" men. It is believed that Aphrodite is very much present in every woman during ovulation. It is very beneficial to "Athena women", to add touch of female intrigue to their intellectual personalities, and in some cases turn them in to a true sex kittens. Aphrodite will help you to think with your heart when you feel your head is ruling your love life. Aphrodite’s negative side is jealousy, obsessive relationships and overindulging in food or drink. It can be developed while relationship crisis or while searching for a mate. She rules beauty salons, brothels, perfumes, and flower essences.

Athena is patron of Arts, Goddess of intellect, crafts and intellectual warfare. If you are Athena woman, you are most likely very intellectual, artistic, studious and have extensive knowledge about more then one subject. You are not so concerned with sex and relationship, as you are stimulated trough your mind. Your maternal instinct might not be very strong and you might have children late if at all. Books, computers, crafts and tools are very attractive to you and you are very good at using them. Fast learner, you can converse just about anything. You don’t have many love affairs and you find it hard to brake up even when you feel it is not right for you. You don’t like anything, which is too sexual or too exposing, as you are very private person. Your passion is buried deep in your psyche and with little help from Aphrodite or Ishtar you would discover incredible depths to your sex drive. Usually, there is some deep- rooted block when it comes to all things sexual and sensual.

Athena’s negative aspects are lack of light-hearted, fun things in life and nervous exhaustion, due to workaholic tendencies. Athena is of a great help during exams, interviews and political disputes. Assist with learning and artistic inspiration. Very beneficial to Aphrodite’s type in times when they feel a bit out of their depth with some more intellectual men. .

Hecate is a Goddess of Mystery, Magic and intuition. She is Goddess of a dark Moon and every woman has some of her in her own being. She is responsible for term "woman’s intuition". If you are Hecate woman, you are highly intuitive, and you live your life by your gut feeling. Your instincts are very powerful and you know who is calling before you pick up the phone. You are interested in all mysterious things, and you feel phases of Moon stronger then rest of us. You see World and all his creatures as equal and you speak to the nature in your own way. You bewitch your men with your magnetic eyes and your passions are very strong. You are the one to whom everyone else comes with all their secrets, which you keep safe from the world. You are the wise woman of the village, healer and confidant. Your domain is birth, rebirth and death. This is how you live your life, total transformation without compromises! Hecate is beneficial to Aphrodite and Athena women. It brings better understanding of herself to Aphrodite’s and deepens intellectual side of Athena’s. Hecate will guide you when you are on crossroads in your life. When your feelings are confused and your intuition is taken over by the indecisiveness.

Diana the Huntress is free, highly independent Archetype, and so are you if she is dominant in your nature. You love nature and enjoy chase. Once chase is over you might get bored and not stick around. You will run off in chase of yet another chase. Diana’s of this World often live alone, and love it! They are drawn to deserted places, cliffs and wild beeches. Very often they are attracted to love with their own sex. They love sports and outdoors. They are free spirits, and not so fond of commitment. They have children late if at all. Heterosexual Diana type would very much benefit from Demeter influence, if they wish to commit but just don’t know how. Diana is reciprocally beneficial to strong Demeter types, as it teaches them independence. Diana should be developed if you wish to gain more freedom and get rid of feeling of dependency, also in any identity crisis. If you wish to brake up from abusive or stale relationship, Diana "will help you" to overcome fear of loneliness while waking your adventurous spirit. Negative aspect of Diana is total inability to commit in any relationship.

Did you recognise yourself? Maybe, you have found that two Archetype change places at different times in your life, depending of situation you are in. This is very common. Sometime, woman change completely over the short period of time and depending how "close" she is with Archetype which rules that situation, she might feel comfortable or uncomfortable with that change. For example, if we have very strong Athena qualities within us, also Demeter but not in as much, we would feel quite comfortable in situation, which suddenly demands caring for other people. We can easily adapt to this change. On another hand, if a woman is a combination of independent Diana and wilful Ishtar, she might find this "presence" of Demeter in her life too demanding on her time, and she might feel imprisoned by her luck of freedom on a day- to- day basis.

Systems used in "Chiron's" seminars are mostly developed from this "borrowed" knowledge. "Chiron" aims to keep to its originality as much as possible. We live in modern World and some procedures and terminology could not be kept as much as today's woman does not walk around in flat sandals wrapped in to a see-through sheet!

Copyright © Biljana Krstovic 2002

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