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OCT/NOV 2005

Jupiter enters Scorpio

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Over the past decade World was plagued by wars, suffering and destruction. We have witnessed change of the map of Europe, map of the World. Something we could not even imagine all those years before… Before Pluto entered Scorpio that is. Scorpio, sign of a deep underground currents of our and our World’s subconciusness. What Pluto in Scorpio left us with is ash and rubbles. Where are we to go from now?

On 26th of October 2005, Jupiter will make a grand entrance to Scorpio. Above the skies in London, as it enter its sixth minute in to Scorpio, it will make a superb trine with Uranus and announce shift of scales from material to spiritual. Third World debt soon might be written off and great teachers will appear all over the World. Wind of change is about to wake us up!

Lets have a look what does this mean for each and every one of us...

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ARIES, have you been waiting long to get on a right side of your bank manager? Mortgages, loans and investments should boom now. If you made a few bad moves with your finances and have debts it should all start to get better now. Romantically many opportunities, beware of promiscuity (on your part).
TAURUS, Business and personal contacts should be aplenty over the next couple of years. If career takes off late this year make sure you work even harder. Good luck that comes your way during this transit will not last forever. 2008 will be the time to relax and enjoy it. Good time to get married.
GEMINI, your ideas will finally start to materialise in a real world within next 24 months. Anything you start to create now will flourish. New job is a real possibility. Overseas trips connected to work and people you meet during them will be key factors to your success. Be careful not to self indulge and put on weight. Inheritance from older members of family is possible.
CANCER, that house you always wanted will be less of a dream and more of a reality during this transit as your prospects of winning the lottery are very high. Romantically this could be a bit of a wild time as opportunities seem to be everywhere. You might have a child within next two years.
LEO, your home might become your main focus this year. Buying and selling property will be in your favour. Any investments in property abroad should pay off. Relationship with your mother will be very good. Someone might leave you property as inheritance as result of a favour.
VIRGO be prepared for sudden short trips. Writing and relationships with siblings abroad will be the flavour of the next two years. Driving tests should be a pass this time. Any writing produced from October will be likely to be published in forthcoming years. Broken communications will be restored for good.

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All transits of Jupiter are triggers for events that will reveal their importance in years to come. All things done now will affect your life in a long term.
LIBRA, Material expansions are coming. Financial situation will start to improve quite suddenly and will steadily grow over the next two years. Invest it wisely as you will need it after this transit is over. Investments in Stock Market will also be good. Sexual energy high, expect a few sparks. Watch what you eat.
SCORPIO, Time to get everything in order! Sort out finance, house buying-selling, collect old Diplomas and Certificates, finish of any legal disputes, find ideal partner…Well, whatever is that you want you must go now and get it. Do not over stretch yourself or your resources as it will not be raining favours forever.
SAGITTARIUS, your ruler is about to transform you in to a new self. Do not resist this change, embrace it! Take up some kind self-development discipline and reinvent yourself, you will learn great deal about what you can become. This is time of personal growth, fast!
CAPRICORN, this is not a time to be alone. Go out, meet people and well, yes, do collect business cards while you are there. Membership in Clubs, societies and any organised group of people will be great for your future. You will make a lot of friends as well. If you must learn to relax this is the best time to start!
AQUARIUS, it is time to expand your carieer and get a promotion. Also, maybe a long term carrier change or job offer abroad. Climbing up on the social ladder, possible marriage. Single? Not for long! Relationships with father greatly improving. Make sure you know what you want, as you might get it.
PISCES, spiritual development and personal growth will change you within short time. Teacher figure will influence you a great deal. Beware of self-proclaimed gurus and self-delusions. Any legal disputes will finish in your favour. Good time to enrol on educational course. Connection with publishing will be beneficial. Travel or relocation overseas is possible.

First published in "Prediction Magazine" more articles   1  2  3  4  5 

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